Monday, July 31, 2023
How to get the table name with a required column name in MySQL using query
Thursday, July 13, 2023
How to add drawable resources to an existing Android Studio project
To add a drawable resource to an existing Android Studio project, you can follow these steps:
- Open your Android Studio project.
- In the Project Explorer pane on the left side, navigate to the res folder.
- Right-click on the res folder and select
"New" -> "Android Resource Directory".
- In the "Resource type" dropdown,
select "drawable".
- Click "OK" to create the new drawable resource directory.
- In the newly created drawable directory, right-click and select "New" -> "Image Asset" (if you want to add an image file) or "Vector Asset" (if you want to add a vector file).Follow the prompts in the Asset Studio wizard to import or create the desired image or vector resource.
- If you choose "Image Asset", you can select an existing image file or create a new one. You can customize various options such as image type, shape, and padding.
- If you choose "Vector Asset", you can import an SVG file or create a new vector using the built-in vector editor.
- After configuring the asset, click "Next" and "Finish" to complete the process.
- The new drawable resource will be added to the drawable directory, and it will be automatically generated in various densities (e.g., mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi) if it's an image asset.
- can now reference the newly added drawable resource in your layout XML files or Java code by using its resource identifier (e.g., @drawable/your_drawable_resource_name).
Note: If you want to add an image file directly to the
drawable directory without using the Asset Studio, you can simply copy the
image file and paste it into the drawable directory. Make sure the image file
has a proper filename, adhering to Android resource naming conventions (e.g.,
lowercase letters, underscores, no spaces or special characters).
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Hybrid app development for Android and IOS
Sunday, July 9, 2023
How to Embed PDF in Word file
To embed a PDF file within a Word document, we can follow
these steps:
- Open Microsoft Word and create a new or existing document where you want to embed the PDF file.
- Click on the "Insert" tab in the ribbon at the top of the Word window.
- In the "Text" section of the ribbon, click on the "Object" button. This will open the "Object" dialog box.
- In the "Object" dialog box, click on the "Create from File" tab.
- Click on the "Browse" button and navigate to the location where your PDF file is saved. Select the PDF file and click "OK".
- In the "Object" dialog box, make sure the checkbox next to "Link to file" is unchecked. If it's checked, the PDF file will be linked to the Word document instead of being embedded.
- Optionally, you can check the checkbox next to "Display as icon" if you want the PDF file to appear as an icon in your Word document. If you leave it unchecked, the PDF pages will be displayed directly in the Word document.
- Click on the "OK" button to embed the PDF file into your Word document.
The PDF file should now be embedded within your Word
document. You can resize and reposition it as needed. When you save the Word
document, the embedded PDF file will be included and accessible whenever you
open the document on a device with a compatible PDF viewer.